Saturday, January 3, 2015

Favourites of 2014

Here we are in 2015! Hope you all had a wonderful New Years. I did, until I woke up feeling like utter garbage. That's my excuse for having this post up on a Saturday instead of my normal Monday and Thursday schedule. Sorry friends! I may be a little late on this, but here is my favourites of 2014. 

These products have made the cut because they were products I used on a daily basis since I purchased them. I have so much make-up that newcomers can get lost in the abyss, but these products stood out of the crowd. 

I've always been a drugstore foundation lover, until I tried this foundation. My face has never looked so flawless in my life. I have really oily skin and this foundation is a lifesaver. Most foundations I wear only keep me matte for maybe 3 hours tops, but this one has always kept me looking flawless for at least 6+ hours. I'm sad to say that the bottle is now empty and now I have to fork out some money to buy another one, but once I run out of my current foundation, this is one I will definitely be repurchasing in the future.

Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush Palette
I was never an avid blush wearer until 2014, and I never really got blush until this year. I always felt like my cheeks had enough natural blush that I never needed it. I was intrigued by the ambient lighting blushes by Hourglass, but never took the jump to spend so much money on one single blush. I was happy to see that they came out with a blush palette, similar to their ambient lighting palettes. This blush palette is a game changer. I absolutely love using this blush palette every single day now. 

From left to right: luminous flush, incandescent electra, and mood exposure
My absolute favourite one to use is luminous flush (far left). It's the perfect pink for my warm yellow skin tone and it isn't too pink that I look like a clown. The difference between ambient lighting blushes and regular blushes, is that Hourglass blushes make you look more glowy and the colours aren't flat. Definitely one of the best make-up purchases I made for 2014. Check out my full review of it here.

Excuse the nasty packaging for this well loved product. I don't know where I was when the Beauty Blender came out, but I should of jumped on the bandwagon ages ago. The Beauty Blender has changed my life and how I apply make-up. I used to either use my fingers or a foundation brush, and my oh my, so many streaks. My foundation always looked too cakey or uneven, or not blended well. The beauty blender does a great job of applying my foundation and even blending out my concealer, and contour lines. I am extremely happy to have a Beauty Blender in my life, and I'm even more excited that I have 6 more as back ups since I picked up them for an amazing price at IMATS Toronto. :D

I'm always in the market for a really good covering concealer so name me some suggestions in the comments if you have any! This is one of my current favs when it comes to medium to full coverage concealers. My least favourite thing about my foundation and concealer routine would have to be the creasing between my cheeks/nose. It always looks so creased and cakey up in those corners where your nostril meets your cheeks, if you get what I'm saying. I am guilty of also being one of those people who constantly rubs underneath their nose, and my foundation/concealer is always gone by the end of the day in that general area. This concealer is the only one I have used that stays put literally all day. If you're in the market for a good concealer, I definitely recommend the pro longwear concealer. It lasts all day and it has medium to full coverage. 

I am not one for spending a lot of money on make-up brushes, because (in my opinion) they kind of are all the same. Sometimes. There are some brushes which I think it's okay to splurge on (like face brushes), but eyeshadow brushes, not so much. Out of many drug store, cheaper brand powder brushes I have used, this one has got to be my favourite. The size, the bristles, the domed but a bit of a pointy tip, this is the perfect powder brush. My favourite type of brushes are powder brushes. I will purchase all types of powder brushes out there whenever I see one. But this one, stands out the most. I use it every single day to apply my Mac Mineralized Skinfinish. It does the job. 

I think I only began liking Motives products this year, when my mom introduced me to their other make-up products. This was one of my favourites that she got for me. I used to use the Essence Eyebrow Pencils before I tried anything else on my brows. This brow kit fills in my brows so easily and makes them look super natural. The colour is not too dark, but buildable if you have darker brows. It also comes with a nifty brow wax in the kit to help you keep all your hairs tamed and down.

This kit is almost the exact dupe of the Smashbox contour kit, but definitely way cheaper. I love carrying this contour kit with me everywhere. It's nice to have the contour and bronzer all in one, and if you're a fan of highlighting, it comes with that too. It also comes with a nice face chart if you need reference with how to contour your face and such.

The colours are highly pigmented, and I definitely recommend this kit. I was obsessed with bronzers in 2013, and I haven't even used any of my other bronzers since I got this one. It's awesome.

I honestly think 2014 was one of the better years of my life by a longshot. It definitely wasn't one of the most "exciting" or "adventurous", but this was the year I started this blog, and it definitely won't be the last year I do it. I love blogging, and I'm glad to be a part of this wonderful community.

I don't have any New Years resolutions really, well maybe try to save money, and spend less on make-up (we will see how that goes by the end of 2015), but otherwise, I hope 2015 is going to be an awesome year for me, and for all of you! Thanks for being such a nice bunch of readers of my blog, I wouldn't be where I am without you all. Okay, going to stop being cheesy now. See you in my next post Monday !

What are your favourite products of 2014?


  1. I'm loving the real techniques brushes too - they're so soft and amazing quality for the price. I've seen many good things about that blush palette, I may have to invest sometime soon.

    little miss fii | Fii x

    1. yes its an amazing blush palette, i also have a full review on my blog if you're interested in checking it out!

  2. I am absolutely in love with all of the real techniques brushes at the moment. I always see that hourglass palette being reviewed and I must try it soon x

    1. coincidentally i have a review on it too haha it's definitely worth the value you pay. awesome blush palette.


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