Friday, March 25, 2016

Les Soins de Jacynthe Skincare Review

les soins de Jacynthe Skincare, Jacythe Skincare, Montreal beauty
I love supporting Canadian based companies, so it's nice to get the chance to review products coming from my own backyard (not literally). Les Soins de Jacynthe was created by Quebec actress and producer Jacynthe Rene. Her skincare line has 100% natural ingredients and is made without chemicals, GMOs and is gluten free. 

I used these products for about a week and I shall share the results. Personally, as much as I want to like natural, organic skincare, it's never proved to work that well with my skin. These products weren't bad, but they didn't wow me either. 

Cleansing Oil
les soins de Jacynthe Skincare, Jacythe Skincare, Montreal beauty
I'm not the biggest fan when it comes to using oils to clean my face. Many people claim that adding more oily to oily skin is what gets rid of oil. For me? Not so much. The cleansing oil itself did a great job in loosening my make-up and having it come off easily. I wasn't a fan of the oiliness it left behind though. I also am not the biggest fan of natural/floral scents (probably why I don't like natural skincare products), so I was quite turned off by that. If you have dry, acne prone skin, I feel like this would work wonders for you. 

Floral Water
les soins de Jacynthe Skincare, Jacythe Skincare, Montreal beauty
The floral water was probably my favourite of the three items. It felt very refreshing and did a great job prepping my skin for the next step. This product also worked well in the mornings before I primed my face and then applied my foundation. A great way to start your morning feeling refreshed and clean. 

les soins de Jacynthe Skincare, Jacythe Skincare, Montreal beauty
Made to help with anti-aging and repairing skin, the serum wasn't all too bad. For the rough Canadian winter, this serum came in handy to help replenish my dry, cracked skin. It provided moisture without feeling too oily, so it definitely did the job without making my face feel too heavy. The product dried fairly quick, so I was able to apply my make-up on right after with no problems. 

How do you feel about natural skincare products? 

Try Les Soins de Jacynthe at

These products were sent to me for reviewing and testing purposes.
All opinions are my own. 

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