Thursday, December 4, 2014

Black Friday 2014 Haul (Sephora + Lush & More!)

I'm a wee bit late on posting my Black Friday haul, but I've finally gotten a chance to settle down in my new home and finally start posting more on my blog. Can you believe Christmas is 21 days away? Time is flying so quickly this year. Just one more week of school and then winter break! I'm so excited. Between moving and school, I've been completely stressed out lately, but now that I'm in my new home, I couldn't be happier. Anywho, as you've already read from the title, today I will be showing you what I picked up on Black Friday.

My Black Friday Haul!
Not the greatest picture of all the stuff I got (this was taken on my iPhone, but I'll have better pictures of the beauty products (any maybe talk about the other stuff if anyone really cares haha). 

Before I go on with this post, Lush did not have a Black Friday sale, so no, you guys didn't miss out on anything, I just wanted to try stuff from Lush! Some of you may think I'm absolutely crazy for going out on Black Friday, but I kind of enjoy the rush of finding good deals, and now that I've done it three years in a row, I think it's a new tradition for me haha.

Toronto Eaton Centre - Black Friday
Yep! Every Black Friday for the past three years I have waken up at 3-4 in the morning and went to the Eaton Centre by myself, and also snapped some pictures. And of course the one picture on the top right is Yonge-Dundas Square.

On to the haul!

 If you have never shopped at Sephora for Black Friday, this is what to expect. They put out a bunch of deluxe sets of hair/skincare/nails/makeup kits for $12 each. None of their other regular products go on sale though so don't expect too much. For the previous two years I've found pretty awesome sets, but this year it was just okay. I felt like I didn't need to buy all the sets, so I stuck with mostly skincare this time. I picked up this Ole Henriksen skincare duo because I've always wanted to try their cleansing wipes. Bonus, I get a cleanser too! 

First Aid Beauty Duo ($12)
 I've received a free sample of the ultra repair cream once from Sephora and I enjoyed the consistency of the cream. I've been wanting to try more FAB products so this was a great buy for me! 

Boscia Pore-Purifying Duo ($12) 
 My pores have been extremely big and gross as of lately, so this is something I had to get my hands on. Anything that states its "pore-purifying" is something I should buy. This year for me specifically has been about skin care products. My skin is just not on my side anymore and I need to do whatever it takes to get it back on track! 

Now on to Lush.

I have only tried one Lush product in my life, and it was the lip scrub. And I never stepped into a Lush ever again after that one time, like 8-9 years ago. I don't know why. I just never thought to go to a Lush. The only Lush close to me is at the Eaton Centre, and I just never happen to pass by it or think of going in. Until Black Friday, for some reason. Unfortunately they weren't having a sale which sucked, considering I spent so much money there! Anyways, the girl helping me was extremely helpful, and she literally went through each type of product line they carried, and demoed almost everything on me, which I ended up buying everything in the end too! Too bad they don't get commission, because she provided me with the best customer service! Thanks Amanda from Lush at the Eaton Centre! (Doubt she will ever read this ahah.)

 I wasn't the biggest fan of the smell, but oh man, the texture of it was what sold me. The employee used the bar and scrubbed it on my arm, and after rinsing it off, my arm was super smooth. The combination of the almonds inside the bar scrubbing onto my skin, and the shea butter providing moisture just felt completely amazing. This bar is suppose to smooth away bumps and dry skin, leaving you with brighter, fresher skin.

 Similar to Buffy, I was sold on the texture of this too. I was looking for a good face scrub and the girl recommended this to me. 

It has a very creamy/grainy consistency, and smells like .. the ocean? Salt? Lime? Awesome. I don't know, the smell is weird but in a good way. Reminds me of a margarita or something haha. I believe theres actually vodka in this from what she said, which is why I automatically thought this scrub reminded me of an alcoholic drink haha. Looks kind of delicious don't you think?

The first time I ever tried the Lush lip scrubs, I think I got the bubblegum one, and I didn't like it at all. I'm so happy I picked up this one though because it smells SO much better.

Not only does this one smell better than the bubblegum one, it tastes better. You heard that right folks, you can eat this stuff! Then again, you'd be eating some dead lip skin too while you lick it off your lips, but you can always wash it off, if you're not into doing that haha. This one is suppose to taste like mint chocolate ice cream, which I can definitely taste. I love that the mint adds a little tingly sensation which I am a huge fan of. 

 I am not a hair person, nor would I ever spend that much money on a hair care product. Until I used this one. If you love the smell of the tropics, tropical fruit, the islands, oranges, jasmine, that kind of stuff, you will absolutely fall in love with this product. This product is actually recommended for curly hair or people with dry hair. I don't have curly hair, but I do have dry ends. The associate applied this to the ends of my hair, and the smell stayed for a good 8 hours. It smells freaking amazing. Not only that, my ends felt soft and not greasy at all. 

 The consistency is very similar to a pudding. It also smells devine. Definitely my favourite purchase from Lush. I love applying this to my ends, and when I walk, I get a waft of the scent and fall in love all over again. 

 I got so carried away in Lush that I forgot the whole reason I wanted to go in in the first place; to try bath bombs! I picked up Cinders because I love the smell of cinnamon. It reminds me of fall, Christmas and feeling warm. This is one of the bath bombs you pick up and use on a cold winter day. Bonus: It has popping candies in it so your bath will pop like a crackling fire!!

 This is one of the bubble bars that I've heard many great things about. The one thing I love about this bubble bar is the fact it's suppose to be "a comforter" like the name states. It makes you feel calm, cool, and stress-free. The scent was also a great selling point for me. It was sweet, but not a overly disgusting sweet smell. It has a light fruity smell that honestly makes me want to eat it.

If you love the scent of apples, you MUST buy this. This bath bomb has the most potent, real smelling scent of apples. It smells absolutely amazing. Not only that, deep in the center lies a surprise inside, pink bubbles! Bath bomb and bubble bar in one! 

For my boyfriend, I also picked up a new PS4 remote in white for myself actually for $40, The Evil Within for $40, Metal Gear Solid V and Injustice for $20 each, and Watch Dogs for $34. 

Overall, a very successful Black Friday.

Are you a Lush fan? What's your favourite products I should try? 

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